报道了中国菊科2新记录属:距格菊属(Koyamasia H.Rob.)、婴带菊属(Struchium P.Browne)和2新记录种:距格菊[K.curtisii(Craib&Hutc......
报道了浙江省乌岩岭国家级自然保护区12种凤尾藓属(Fissidens)植物,其中内卷凤尾藓济州岛变种(F.involutus Wilson ex
在海南省会山省级自然保护区的野外考察中,发现双唇兰属中国一新记录种:条纹双唇兰(Didymoplexis striata J.J.Sm.).条纹双唇兰具......
通过标本考证和野外研究,证实中国文献记载的纤细蛇根草(Ophiorrhiza gracilis Kurz)实为尾瓣蛇根草(O.caudipetala Deb&Monda)错......
对分布于北京的10种脊虎天牛属甲虫开展了分类研究,恢复了北京脊虎天牛Xylotrechus pekingensis Pic,1939的地位,不再是宽带脊虎天......
Physcomitrium(subgenus Cryptopyxis)delicatulum(Funariaceae,Bryophyta),an addition to the Chinese bry
Physcomitrium delicatucum Crum.& Ander.,earlier known from Mexico and India,is here reported from Guizhou Province,South......
Three new and two known free-living marine nematode species of the family Ironidae from the East Chi
Three new and two known species of free-living marine nematodes of the family Ironidae from the East China Sea are descr......
A new species of the genus Stygothrombium,representing a newly recorded superfamily Stygothrombioide
The paper deals with a species new to science,Stygothrombium garzensis Li&Guo,sp.nov.,collected from Qinghai-Tibet Plate......
本文记述中国刺蛾科1新记录属:拟线刺蛾属Caniatta Solovyev&Witt,2009及1新记录种:光拟线刺蛾Caniatta levis Solovyev&Witt,2009......
Lecideaceae is classified into Lecideales under Lecanoromycetidae,Lecanoromycetes,Ascomycota....
About 134 common species of Brachysira have been reported worldwide by far,however,little species were recently repo......
Morphological study of the marine planktonic diatom Actinocyclus tenuissimus from the Mexican Pacifi
The species 4ctinocyclus tenuissimus is a marine planktonic diatom distributed in tropical areas, little known and littl......
Two species of the anamorphic fungus Solicorynespora are reported and illustrated based on the specimens collected o......
Two species of Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes belonging to genera Exserticlava and Sporidesmium are described and illustr......
A newly record species in the genus Eumenes Latreille(HymenopteraVespidae)from China,with a key to t
Eumenes asioboreus Kim et Yamane,2001 is newly recorded from Inner Mongolia,China,description and photos are provide......
Twenty-three species and two subspecies of the genus Ancistrocerus Wesmael are taxonomically reviewed.Three new reco......
Extraordinary bees of the genus Lasioglossum Curtis, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae)from Chi
The first records of the extraordinary and amazing bees Lasioglossum longirostre (Morawitz,1876) and a new species L.sub......
报道了中国杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)一新记录种:腺苞树萝卜[Agapetes nana(Griff.)Hook.f.]。该种以花萼筒基部具有一圈具柄的腺毛组成......
Objective:To observe three species ofKalicephalus found in three species of snake (Ophiophagus hannah, Ptyas mucosus, an......
First record of Necrobia rufipes (De Geer, 1775) (Coleoptera: Cleridae) from Khuzestan Province,sout
Bolothrips bicolor(Heeger)(Thysanoptera:Idolothripinae):a genus and species newly recorded from Chin
The genus and species,Bolothrips bicolor(Heeger,1852),are recorded from China for the first time,with both sexes found i......
Thirteen species of Gracillariidae,belonging to three subfamilies,Acrocercopinae,Gracillariinae and Ornixolinae,are revi......
报道了采自浙江的10个种子植物新记录分类群.其中杜仲科Eucommiaceae为科级分布新记录;圆柏属Sabina Mill.,杜仲属Eucommia Oliv.......
报道1亚种2变种1变型,其中伏毛八角枫Alangiumchinese(Lour.)Harmsssp.strigosumFan,多叶浙江木蓝IndigoferaparkesiiCraibVar.polyphyllaY.Y.FangetC.Z.Zheng毛冻绿RhamnusutilisDecnevar.hypochrysa(Schneid.)Re-hd。 为浙江分布新记录;白花网络崖豆藤Millett......
沙果小食心虫Giapholita dimorpha Komai危害沙果、李子和山里红的果实,为我国新记录种。文中描述了该种的形态特征及相似种梨小食心虫G.molesta(Busck)在形态及生物学特性......
该文报道采自甘肃,江苏,浙江,广西等省的5种跳小蜂,即绒蚧艾菲跳小蜂Aphycus eriococci Timberlake,五斑佳丽跳小蜂Callipteroma quinqueguttata Motsch,毛角尖梗跳小蜂Cerapterocerus pilicornis,混淆莱曼跳小蜂Lamennaisia ambigua,三色丽突......